TANIPAC employs an integrated approach in the maize and groundnut value chains to minimize aflatoxin occurrence in the food system, leading to improved food safety and security and ultimately to improved health and nutrition, agricultural productivity, and trade. Through its infrastructure development component, the project rehabilitates the National Bio-control Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, establishes a post-harvest center of excellence for grains and a central agriculture reference laboratory for enabling mycotoxin control along the food production and supply chain, and constructs and equips two warehouses in Zanzibar and 12 on the Mainland with bio-control measures. The project also carries out public awareness and education on food safety, nutrition, and aflatoxin mitigation. The private sector’s role in monitoring and quality control at all segments of the value chains is important, so the project establishes partnerships with commercial buyers to support advocacy and disseminate new technology on both the Mainland and in Zanzibar.